John Linthurst

I have a Photo Arts degree from Pasadena City College, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Later additional work at CSU-Fullerton. Digital age changed a lot for people like me. You could waste a lot while pursuing an idea.  I took a hiatus unknowingly from 30yrs – 50yrs of age pursuing family and business interests. Not certain of the catalyst, but all that changed 180 degrees at age of 50, around 2010, when my daughter was in a severe auto accident. What really matters, if not your unflagging love? And, being spared? So, my thought process entered into a paradigm change and meaning took precedence over ambition. I began entering shows, and had some favorable response. And it’s all been in a state of evolution since.


Per training, my initial entrance into the world of creative being – was photography. However, that has its limits and I exhausted them long ago. As an evolution, I began making up my own photographs, meaning NOT a camera documentation, but an assembled reality of parts. Lots of fun.  As a progression, I collaged the formal designs collage 'after print', with additional layers of paper, sand, sticks, oils, pen inking etc. Text has been important to me, and I wish to meld text and the visual into a story of greater imagination. Evoke is a word I consider greatly. Make something that moves, an emotion, and you have succeeded.





San Diego