jacqueline bridge

Jacqueline Bridge

I have a background in the photographic arts.  My favorite genres ar street photography and portraiture, so it follows that I am intrigued by people, their faces, their environments.  I became interested in fused glass art about 15 years ago while visiting a glass artists studio in Del Dios, CA.  I enrolled in some instruction and, from there,  was off and running.  As time went on I tried to incorporate my passion for photography using  fused glass as my medium.  I imagined “painting” with glass. What I love about glass is that it is imperfect, unpredictable in the melting process both as to shape and color.  This leads to some interesting surprises from time to time.

I try to incorporate other materials in my work, too.  I love mixed media and was very excited when asked to take part in a collaborative exhibit.

Much of my art is a result of having fun.


Jacqueline Bridge

I have a background in the photographic arts.  My favorite genres ar street photography and portraiture, so it follows that I am intrigued by people, their faces, their environments.  I became interested in fused glass art about 15 years ago while visiting a glass artists studio in Del Dios, CA.  I enrolled in some instruction and, from there,  was off and running.  As time went on I tried to incorporate my passion for photography using  fused glass as my medium.  I imagined “painting” with glass. What I love about glass is that it is imperfect, unpredictable in the melting process both as to shape and color.  This leads to some interesting surprises from time to time.

I try to incorporate other materials in my work, too.  I love mixed media and was very excited when asked to take part in a collaborative exhibit.

Much of my art is a result of having fun.




